Lake between China and India border


Pangong Tso Lake between China and India border
Pangong is an endorheic lake (lake that does not flow into the sea), located at an altitude of 4,350 m in the Himalayas. The lake is about 135 km long and is bisected by the China-India Line of Actual Control (LAC). About a third of the lake is located in the Ladakh region and the other two-thirds are in Tibet. This is also the site of the border clash between the two countries in mid-June, said to be the bloodiest in 45 years. Photo:  Horizonman/Shutterstock .
The most popular route to Pangong Tso lake  with tourists is from Leh, the capital of Ladakh located east of Jammu and Kashmir. On a distance of about 150 km, visitors will pass through Changla Pass, the 3rd highest motorcycle road in the world (more than 5,300 m above sea level). Therefore, it is often covered with snow all year round. In the summer, the snow from the rock crevices can flow into small streams, making the road slippery. Visitors should only stop sightseeing for about 10-20 minutes, to avoid symptoms of altitude shock. Photo:  tscreationz/Shutterstock.
The surface of Pangong Tso lake  changes color according to the weather, season and different times of day with green, blue or orange red. Sunrise and sunset are the best times to see the beauty of Pangong, when the sun reflects colorful rays on the lake surface. Photo:  Yurawoot Sripornprasert/Shutterstock.
Pangong with its marshy areas, many species of shrubs and perennial herbs is a paradise for migratory birds. Throughout the year, many species of birds come here to breed. In summer, visitors can catch sight of the rare brown-headed gull, black-necked crane and about 20 other native birds flying and catching fish on the lake surface Photo:  Kattiya.L/Shutterstock.
Usually, visitors coming here will camp overnight. Visitors have the option of camp Wonderland, located in the Nubra valley for INR 3,900 (VND 1,200,000) per night. Redstart campsite (on photo) with lake view, convenient for bird watching, costs INR 4,200 (VND 1,300,000) per night. Photo:  Anop Itsarayoungyuen/Shutterstock .
On the way, about 25 km from the lake, visitors will see signs stopping to observe ground squirrels of the Marmot species, a rare endemic animal. They often hide on rocks, so you need to be patient to wait for them to appear. Photo:  itonggg/Shutterstock.

The name Pangong is taken from Banggong Co in Tibetan, which means High Meadow Lake. The area to the west of the reservoir is salt water and to the east is fresh water. It is one of the few saltwater lakes in the world that freezes completely in winter.

In contrast to the surrounding arid brown mountains, the lake water is always blue. Pangong is one of the most popular destinations in India and Tibet. Ho also appeared in a scene from the Bollywood blockbuster  Three Idiots . In 2009, after the success of the film, the number of tourists coming here to camp and picnic is increasing. Photo:  Chris Piason/Shutterstock.

Overnight camping is one of the must-try experiences in Pangong Lake. When night falls, the space around the Himalayas becomes quiet. Out of the tent, visitors can easily observe the galaxy in the clear sky, because there is no light pollution.

Located at a high altitude, this place has a clear change and difference in temperature between day and night. Campers need to bring walking shoes; pants, windproof and waterproof outerwear. Also included are sweaters, hats, gloves, warm socks, a backpack with water, first aid kits and a flashlight. Photo:  Kelvin Shutter/Shutterstock.

Pangong Tso Lake is located in a disputed area between China and India. Therefore, visitors are required to obtain an inline permit (ILP) at the TIC office, located in the main Leh market. Each visitor will have to pay INR 400 (VND 125,000) for the environment fee. From Indian cities, visitors can reach Leh via flights to Reach Leh airport or Jammu Tawi railway. The lake is about 150 km from Leh, equivalent to 4 hours by car.
